[Info-ingres] Duplicate rows in iirelation..

Ingres Forums info-ingres at kettleriverconsulting.com
Tue Nov 4 12:12:05 UTC 2014

Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but Ingres 10, unlike its
predecessors, allows duplicate rows in the iirelation system catalog.

When I asked Actian Tech. Support why this was, I was told that it
improves performance.
And the reason why I asked them was because I have had to open Issue
on the back of a situation where one of our Ingres 10 databases ended
up with a couple of duplicate rows in iirelation!

Actian say that duplicates should never happen. And I say that
duplicates would never have happened if duplicates had not been

So here's my Friday question - has anyone else seen duplicates in
iirelation (iitables) since running Ingres 10 ?

ucchausaigon's Profile: http://community.actian.com/forum/member.php?userid=122639
View this thread: http://community.actian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16252

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