[Info-ingres] Ingres Installation

Rich Ford richford990 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 6 16:39:19 UTC 2021

On Monday, 6 December 2021 at 03:44:09 UTC-8, Paul Mason wrote:
> Hi Rich, 
> First I must apologise. I misread this as you trying to install 11.2 not 11.1, despite the fact you clearly mentioned 11.1. 
> In 11.1 we are still using so-called "sysv" style service scripts. These are ones that get created in /etc/rc.d. Most modern Linux distros use systemd instead and provide compatibility scripts to make sysv scripts appear as if they were systemd services. However in the case of OpenSuSE 15 and SLES 15 a part of this compatibility layer is not installed by default. 
> So in order to fix this you would need to install "insserv-compat" i.e. something like: 
> sudo zypper install insserv-compat 
> This then would allow the installing of the 11.1 sysv service scripts. Since you probably already installed the instance itself OK and don't want to re-install just to fix it you can install it manually: 
> $ source /opt/Actian/IngresII/.ingIIsh # or whatever your instance env script is 
> $ mkrc # this generates the scripts, specific to your instance 
> $ sudo -s 
> $ source /opt/Actian/IngresII/.ingIIsh 
> $ mkrc -i 
> We added full systemd support in 11.2 which uses mksystemd instead of mkrc (although you can still use sysv if you really want). So apologies because a lot of my previous comments refer to that. 
> This is a known problem and there was supposed to be a fix and/or note in the readme. However the "fix" will be the installer warning you that you need to install insserv-compat. I'll chase that up. 
> Regards 
> Paul

Good information. I have this configured now.


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