[Info-ingres] Maxwell's daemon for MySQL.What about Ingres?

Roy Hann specially at processed.almost.meat
Thu Aug 6 08:42:52 UTC 2020

nikosv wrote:

> Is there something like this 
> https://maxwells-daemon.io for Ingres?

If you want something free/open-source, the short answer no.

Longer answer: people have been crafting their own solutions for as long
as I can remember.

In the Ingres world people have used the output of auditdb to generate
scripts in difference formats. 

Another possibility is to analyze the transaction log file in the way
HVR does it. HVR is extremely versatile and fast, but it costs money.

Neither of these is quite the same as using a MySQL binlog though.
The MySQL log is a sort of hybrid between the Ingres journal that
records what did happen, and the Ingres session logs that record what
was requested. If you try to delete rows that don't exist there
will be no record of the attempt in the Ingres journals (and hence
none in the audit output).

To see everything, including a DELETE that does nothing, you'd need
to capture and analyze the session logs. Again, people have crafted
their own tools for that. The log file format used to be fairly well
documented on the Actian wiki but I don't know where you'd look today.


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